The Dark Sides of the False Coronavirus Pandemic

„Biała księga pandemii koronawirusa” jest już dostępna w wersji angielskiej (z wyjątkiem części prawnej) w sklepie Amazon. Książka ukazała się w wersji elektronicznej (jako ebook) oraz w okładce zarówno miękkiej, jak i twardej.

Niestety ze względu na treść książki Amazon nie zgodził się na wewnętrzną (płatną!) promocję, dzięki której znacznie więcej osób mogłoby się o niej dowiedzieć. Dlatego tym bardziej prosimy i zachęcamy do rozesłania informacji o istnieniu naszej księgi swoim anglojęzycznym znajomym na całym świecie.


„Biała księga pandemii koronawirusa” jest już dostępna w wersji angielskiej (z wyjątkiem części prawnej) w sklepie Amazon. Książka ukazała się w wersji elektronicznej (jako ebook) oraz w okładce zarówno miękkiej, jak i twardej.

Niestety ze względu na treść książki Amazon nie zgodził się na wewnętrzną (płatną!) promocję, dzięki której znacznie więcej osób mogłoby się o niej dowiedzieć. Dlatego tym bardziej prosimy i zachęcamy do rozesłania informacji o istnieniu naszej księgi swoim anglojęzycznym znajomym na całym świecie.

„Biała księga pandemii koronawirusa” bazuje na ponad 700 publikacjach naukowych i jest to najprawdopodobniej pierwsza i jedyna taka książka na świecie, która omawia w sposób kompleksowy najważniejsze zagadnienia związane z tzw. pandemią koronawirusa.

Wersja angielska „Białej księgi” to wkład Fundacji Ordo Medicus w światowe rozprawienie się z fałszywą pandemią.


The Dark Sides of the False Coronavirus Pandemic is most probably the first and

the only book in the world that discusses all the important aspects related to the great

health-political-economic crisis in a comprehensive way based on hundreds (700+)

of scientific articles.

Issues analyzed include:

  • COVID-19 vaccinations
  • COVID-19 diagnostics, specifically RT-PCR molecular tests
  • Masks
  • Lockdown
  • The functioning of health care during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • The reliability of official statistics for cases ‘with covid’ and ‘from covid’
  • School closures during the “COVID-19 pandemic”
  • Surface disinfection
  • Social distancing
  • Screening
  • Temperature measurement
  • Travel restrictions during the “COVID-19 pandemic”

The book helps readers to gain in-depth knowledge about the so called coronavirus pandemic and to expose the deception of it in a broad context. It is possible that lockdown will go down as one of the greatest peacetime policy failures in modern history – Allen 2021, International Journal of the Economics of Business

We believe a comprehensive risk/benefit assessment of the mRNA vaccines questions them as positive contributors to public health – Seneff et al. 2022, Food and Chemical Toxicology

We present evidence on fast entry of BNT162b2 into the cells and subsequent intracellular reverse transcription of BNT162b2 mRNA into DNA – Aldén et al. 2022, Current Issues in Molecular Biology 

The autopsy results of two adolescent boys who were found dead in bed on the third and fourth day after receiving the second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine were presented. The results showed that: “The myocardial injury seen in these postvaccine hearts is different from typical myocarditis and has an appearance most closely resembling a catecholamine-mediated stress (toxic) cardiomyopathy”– Gill et al. 2022, Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

School closures were over-weighted against the mitigation of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) transmission – Tan 2021, Medicine

From Introduction

Science is about questioning everything that can be questioned, because that is the only way to uncover that which is beyond question.

Prof. Tadeusz Kotarbiński, philosopher, logician, ethicist.

It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgement of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines.

Marcia Angell, former editor-in-chief of the prestigious medical journal, The New England Journal of Medicine.

The contrived swine flu and COVID-19 pandemics We present here “The Dark Sides of the False Coronavirus Pandemic: The Facts and the data hidden from the public”, which, based on hundreds of scientific articles (the vast majority published in peer-reviewed journals), discusses the most pertinent issues related to the great health/political/economic crisis underway since March 2020, whose dire consequences will be felt for decades.

The issues we discuss include: a. COVID-19 diagnostics, specifically polymerase chain reaction (PCR) – based molecular tests. b. Lockdown, the functioning of health care during the COVID-19 pandemic and the reliability of official statistics “with COVID” and “from COVID”. c. School closures during the “COVID-19 pandemic” period. d. Surface disinfection, social distancing, screening, temperature measurement and travel restrictions during the “COVID-19 pandemic”. e. Masks. f. Vaccination against COVID-19.

On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organisation (WHO), which is approximately 75% financed from private funds, declared, what is now beyond doubt from a scientific point of view, a false coronavirus pandemic. As it later turned out, th2is was not the first time it had done so, for as early as in May 2009, the WHO declared a swine flu pandemic that was also undeniably false based on scientific data. Both of these “pandemics” are characterised by a mortality rate (the so-called IFR) comparable to that of seasonal influenza, and therefore they definitely do not meet the classical definition of a pandemic, i.e. an increased number of severe illnesses or deaths in comparison to previous years.

Mariusz Błochowiak, PhD President of the Ordo Medicus Foundation – an association of doctors and scientists working for health, freedom, truth and independent science. Mariusz chairs the apolitical, social and independent Commission of Inquiry on Pandemics. He has compiled and written the introduction to the five-volume False Pandemic. Critiques by scientists and physicians. [orig. title: Fałszywa pandemia. Krytyka naukowców i lekarzy]. Mariusz has a PhD in physics and has worked as a scientist at the Max Planck Institute in Mainz and at the SINTEF research institute in Norway. He is interested in the methodology and philosophy of science and the relationship between faith and science.

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